I am super excited to be teaching The Liquid Muse Sustainable Sips (R) in Chicago, next week! It is one of my favorite American cities - and I know there are a ton of awesome cocktail bars and restaurants to explore. (Not to mention theatre, the lake and Hef's original Playboy mansion!)
So, this is where YOU come in... what are your favorite bars in Chicago? Help guide The Liquid Muse bar reviews by leaving your suggestions in the comments section!
Bars: The Violet Hour (ask for Steven) / The Matchbox
Restaurants: avec/ Schwa/ Hot Doug's
Check out Bonefish Grill and their "do-gooders" Ocean Trust Martini, which donates $1 to the Ocean Trsut Foundation for every drink sold. Enjoy cocktail and be charitable at the same time.
For Bonefish Grill restaurant locations, visit http://www.bonefishgrill.com/locator/states/
Thanks for the suggestions! I'm making a list...!!!
Hi Natalie,
Just FYI, Bonefish Grill is a chain restaurant, not especially known for being leaders in the cocktail scene in these parts, although that martini might fit with your class. If you're going sustainable, check out Uncommon Ground (two locations, 3800 N. Clark and 1400-ish west Devon) - they have been partnering with area farmers & ranchers for food & drinks for 16 years now.
A few other places for an amazing cocktail here in Chi-town:
*Clark Street Ale House (has a
nice beer list too)
*The Drawing Room at Le Passage
*Nacional 27
*Violet Hour
*Weegee's Lounge
Cheers and have fun!
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