Thursday, January 29, 2009

On the GoGo

It is costing me $12.95 to write this blog post. But, the novelty of blogging from 38,000 feet on an American Airlines flight between NYC and LA is worth it. (We're currently somewhere over upstate New York.)

Sure, in- flight internet is probably not a surprise to some. I first saw the GoGo In-Flight Internet stands in airports about 5 or 6 months ago. I picked up a flyer and thought "Gee, I'll have to blog about that sometime." And, as these things go, time slips by... I get backed up on work... and the topic gets buried in my "to blog" folder.

However, today, I am compelled to finally take the plunge, sign on to GoGo and tell you all about it! Here are my pros and cons:

  • Quick & easy enrollment
  • Although I'm loathe to pay for internet, particularly at a fancy hotel or sitting in an airline seat that cost several hundred dollars, the $12.95 price tag to have Internet access all the way across the U.S. airspace doesn't seem out of line.
  • I can use this time to catch up on emails without other distractions
  • Being on trapped on an airplane is a wonderful excuse to "disconnect" from the world for a while. I'm forced to "step away from the compter," watch a movie, read a book or write something in a Word document, rather than get caught in the usual whirlwind of nonstop email conversations on as many as 5 topics at once. (I call it my "technological schitzophrenia.") Having Go-Go at my fingertips, I am consciously aware that I CAN catch up on emails, am 'contactable,' and am once again glued to my computer.
  • While I can retrieve my messages from my mail application, I am not able to connect to my inbox on Yahoo.
I believe that GoGo is not yet available on all airlines, but it is on my U.S. carrier of choice, American... so now a travel day doesn't have to cost me precious 'business time' and I am relieved to know that I won't have to work double-time to catch up on all the correspondence I missed while en route to or from a far-flung destination. Not to mention, that being a member of the 'mile high club' now has an additional meaning. Have YOU GoGo'd? C'mon, join the club of uninterrupted global connection.

But, a word to the wise, I will be watching the online movie and enjoying my $6 mini bottle of Pinot Grigio for the next couple of hours. So, if Idon't get back to you right away, you'll have to catch me on the ground. Once in a while, I need to step of the Merry GoGo Round.

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